Friday, May 31, 2013

Save a Little, Save a Lot

Saving money can be a popular topic, especially when prices seem to be going up on everything but wages.  In a recent blog post, "Save, Save, Save", Darryl Baskin gave some great tips on how to save some money.  Check out two of those tips:

  1. Downsize Your Tulsa Home-  If you find that your home is too big or has too many special features that you simply don't need, consider down-sizing.  You can still find a beautiful Tulsa home for sale while saving  money and getting all that you need.  Contact your Tulsa Realtor with questions.
  2. Turn off Lights!-  This is the easiest and cheapest way to save money.  If you have kids, turn it into a game- see who can turn off the  most lights or catch someone leaving a light on.
For some additional tips on saving money, visit the article link above.

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