Sunday, January 30, 2011

Reducing Dirt and Bugs in Your Tulsa, OK Home...

We all know that bugs, pests, and dirt can enter our home from doors, windows, cracks, crevices, and just about any other avenue they can find. Here are some ways to control dirt and bugs:
  • To prevent pests, you can utilize a monthly treatment plan from a Tulsa, Oklahoma pest control service. Treatment plans like these can be very affordable and work very well if you choose the right company. In addition to the common pest control treatment to prevent indoor pests, they can treat for mice, termites, and other pests.
  • To help prevent dust, upgrade your air filter. The basic flat-panel disposable filters are generally made of fiberglass or polyester and only catch the largest particles, allowing 90% of the particles to pass through and enter your home. By upgrading to a pleated media filter, you can reduce the odors and amount of smaller particles that enter your home. There are even filters that reduce dust, allergens, odors, and much more.
  • To prevent microorganisms, such as bacteria, algae, and mold, from entering your home through your HVAC system (which is a perfect environment for them), have your HVAC system serviced regularly to ensure everything is in proper working order. Also, ask your heating and air company about treating your system with an antimicrobial solution, such as BBJ. BBJ can prevent damage caused by plugged drains and can increase the airflow and efficiency of your system by as much as 25%.

For more information on:

Tulsa, OK area pest control
- contact Duane Montgomery, Montgomery Exterminating at 918-438-4885 or

Heating and A/C Filters
- Rick Butefish of Filters4Me at

Tulsa, OK Heating and A/C Service and Repair- Stephen Taylor, Air Assurance, 918-258-HEAT or 918-258-COOL or

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