Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Insurance for Empty-Nesters

From my friend, Jerry Szszulski at American National Insurance:

As you get older you will experience some life changes and now is the time to review your insurance needs. Here are some tips that I found that will help you make the very important changes to your insurance.

Auto Insurance

1.    Ask for an age discount.

Combined with a safe driving record, you can get better rates for being an older driver.

2.    Tell your agent you've retired (or are doing some telecommuting.)

When you're not racking up commuter miles every day, your rates will likely go down. The number of miles you are driving can have an immediate impact on your rates.

3.    Adjust your auto coverage.

If the kids have left for good, take them off the policy. If they are simply away at college, ask about a distant-student credit.

Homeowners Insurance

4.    Cover those valuables.

If you're planning to travel, it's good to check your homeowner's policy. Obviously, you want replacement value for anything lost or stolen. You also want to make sure that the policy doesn't limit your losses in specific pricey-item categories, like jewelry, antiques, furs or collectibles. If it does, a special policy, called a "floater" or "rider," can cover the value of individual items.

5.    Do your due diligence.

Insurance often pays off unless there is some basic chore that you neglected (like making sure the furnace is serviced or that the pipes don't freeze.) A question you should ask your agent is "What does your policy require?"

Find my listing for Tulsa homeowner's insurance here along with other helpful home maintenance providers and service companies for the Tulsa, OK area.

As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  Our focus is to help you protect what you value most!

Jerry 918-254-2578

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