Monday, February 18, 2008

Open Houses; Effective Sales Tool or Hype

If you are spending $200,000 on a new home, will your criteria be “I am only going to buy a house that is open this weekend”?

The truth is, open houses are a great tool for real estate agents to find buyers to sell other homes to. Open houses are even a good tool for an agent to get out of the doghouse with a home seller because it makes the home seller feel like you are doing working hard for them. Most agents who push open houses as a good home marketing tool are not in high demand by home sellers or home buyers.

Safety is also a concern for home sellers and agents. More home sellers are becoming less enthralled by the idea of allowing strangers to enter their homes and reports of agents being attacked while holding open houses are changing the way agents think of open houses.

Educated home buyers seek skilled agents before they choose a house and won’t decide to use a certain Realtor because they were sitting at an open house. Beyond an opportunity to meet people, open houses are becoming less appealing to agent too. As sophisticated home buyers utilize more efficient tools to find their new home, agents find the least qualified buyers visiting open houses.

The Baskin Real Estate Specialists will spare you the open house hype and provide substantial marketing expertise instead. Call Darryl Baskin at McGraw Realtors 918-258-2600.

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